Chip counting - artificial barrier to ...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by toolman1, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    From a thread in the FREE FOR ALL, Reachy asked:
    Granted that this subject has been discussed quite extensively about a year or so ago. Now we have a number of new active members who might have some additional thoughts on the subject. So lets hear your opinions. My personnel thought in a nutshell - I HATE IT and I would rather spend those precious seconds evaluating strategy. Now your turn.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    WOW :yikes:

    I would never have guessed that from you toolman. Being a lover of TBJT and only a B&M guy I just assumed you didn't mind the chip counting aspect! :p

    I have been practicing and practicing and practicing. I have chips all around the house, in the car, in the kitchen even in the shower! :eek: (ok NOT the shower!)

    I wish chip counting were eliminated from live events. It slows down the whole process. BJT could go so much quicker if there was just a tote board.

    Will chip counting be eliminated? No such luck! We could only be so lucky
  3. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    I agree 100%. I know that for me, using the little play time I have thinking this bet or that (or this play or that) is more interesting than straining my eyesight and space-relations skills to determine chip counts.

    Maybe this could be an interesting electronic feature that could be added to the game--the tally board could be made possible by using those fancy electronic-tracking chips that Wynn has (players just place their smart-chips in the appropriate circles on the felt)? Maybe it would make the game more fun and approachable.

    Of course, some Keith Taft-like fellow may come along and screw it all up and a million other problems could also occur.

    Anyway-- back down to earth.... not likely to happen!
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Only a glimpse

    My experiences are very, very limited compared to most on here especially related to live play but I really can't see how chip counting as a skill relates to skill in TBJ. In fact I'd go as far as to say that it devalues the game :eek:. You may as well ask players to rest their foreheads on a broomstick and run around it 10 times before they make a play!

    I can't believe that players aren't put off playing because of chip counting and I wonder whether some people may see it as a "bogus" skill that may reinforce the belief that TBJ is less about skill and more about luck.

    I wouldn't go as far as sabrejack and call for a constantly updated scoreboard keeping track of all chip stacks on every hand but I think something similar to poker could be bought in. In poker I believe you are allowed to ask for a chip countdown on opponents so why not in TBJ? You could have something along the lines of regular chip counts every 5 hands or so and each player is allowed a limited number of discretionary chip counts on opponents. That way players could concentrate on "real" TBJ skills rather than spatial awareness skills.


  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    It is what it is

    Now that’s a novel idea – it would be good for TV too! Ok, now up, Hollywood Dave and he has 2.5 seconds to complete 10 revolutions before placing his bet! Oh no, he’s turning green – he’s gonna blow! :joker:

    Yes, some people are actually intimidated by the chip counting. I was. Incidentally chip counting is a skill – some people are better than others at it. I can tell you this, at two tables in Aruba I miscounted those stupid 500 chips by one (1) chip (they were a dark purple in a dark room) and lost by one (1) chip. Sour grapes? No, it is what it is.

    From a practical standpoint this would “kill” a BJT with random countdowns, especially when requested. Personally I would love to see the tote board. It would be relatively easy to do with RFID chips. But will it happen? No! Why? Money to invest.

    It would also help the game because while it couldn’t happen at a final table in the preliminary tables I can almost guarantee some “palming” takes place. That’s a skill isn’t it? Sad but true! Imagine someone palming a 500 chip until just before a countdown? Hmmmmm.

    Now, it might not be hard to count chips but it takes TIME. Therefore, when you take the time to count all your opponents chips, figure out the totals you have very LITTLE time to make strategic decisions, unless you keep track of all chip totals in your head during play. Personally I have trouble doing that – short attention span!

    Letting players keep paper and pencil, ON THE TABLE, would be cheaper than RFID but now you’re letting people have “calculation aids” so we can’t do that!
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Tote board???

    Who is writing the suggestions Nancy Pelosi? BJT is already void of card playing skill because 1 1/2 thru a 6 deck shoe doesnt offer a counter much of a chance. So now we have chip counting and bet strategy to develop as skill. Im guessing UBT doesnt offer a countdown near the end of the game because that will help the pros big time but most tournaments I have played in count chips twice. I think this is important to help new/novice players. One of the hardest things for me to do is keep the final count straight in my head. On hand 24 my brain is on fire and working all the totals is hard. I think Tex wants to put up a tote at the end, Im not sure I even like that. It is a hurdle for me to overcome. It might be one more tool to help me beat the lucky wildcat. I vote no tote. :joker:
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I'm confused....

    So YOU prefer to spend more time counting then developing playing strategy or betting strategy?

    Having a tote allows people to concentrate on strategy and not developing motor visual skills. It also removes any "cheats" from palming their chips and levels the playing field to those visually impared.

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