In 20 minutes, UB is having a $1,000 guaranteed tbj for $10+$1 entry. At 4:00 Eastern time, that;s in 20 minutes. currently 5 people signed up. We need twelve to get it going.
I missed it. Did it run? It's quite dumb that all scheduled tournaments appear in the listing less than 2 hours before start time.
It Ran Yes, it ran, with about 19 players I think. A very nice overlay. Naturally I finished out of the money. Makes little sense to offer such a tournament with no advance publicity or notice, and at a time that would be inconvenient for many players, 4:00 east coast.
1,000 tourney Was that one at 1:00 Pacific?...Did they Keep the 4:00 pacific $250.00 one? I think they should keep a record for 24 hours to show the final table standings also.
Question Maybe I havn't been paying attention, but how does one living in the USA enter a paid on line tournament? I thought it has been outlawed? Not that I would ever enter on on line tournament, especially a UB event.
Online tourneys From what I have seen on the web and read in the papers/magazines; (THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE); playing online is legal; transfering money to/from an online casino is illegal, for the banks and casinos and credit card companies; but, quite possibly not for the individual player, but, assets could probably be seized if they were caught in transit/ or tracked back to online play. People seem to have sucess making deposits with debit cards. To withdraw, just have them mail you a check, I have never had a problem with that. UB, at least, seems to be pretty good in paying and their checks clear just fine.
I have heard that one can go buy one of those prepaid cards at a drugstore or where ever, and supposedly that works. Can't vouch for it personally.
debit cards I haven't had to make any deposits since the UIGEA went into effect, so can't talk from personal experience; but from what I have seen online - credit cards and other methods may or may not work, and most often don't - but prepaid debit cards (either visa or mastercard) almost always work just fine.
It's been a long time I didn't have the chance to accomplish a "little miracle" online. I realized about 3 minutes before 4 PM Eastern that there was another $1000 Guaranteed at UB. We were only 28 entrants at $10+1. Prizes are $400, $240, $160, $120 and $80 for 5th. It's still a mystery to me why UB would not do any marketing for EBJ but offering these once in a while. At hand 25 of final table (elimination hand), we are 4 players left, and I bet last. I am BR3 with 1500 more chips than the last player, and he already used not have his secret bet so I correlate with him. We both lose a max bet of 100,000. So at start of hand 26, I have 14,000 in chips, HARDUP777 has 94,500 in chips and TAGASAMAL has 128,500 in chips. Then I did win 3 all-ins in a row!!! and after hand 28, i am still BR3 but by a small margin. Hand 29: They both take the low on me so I take the high. Dealer beats everyone. Hand 30: I need to swing them both and that's exactly what happened with my 19 against dealer 18. Others had 13 and 18. YES!
Yay! Congrats, Zweeky! I played last week, I think and there were only 28 players. I have asked them why there aren't more BJ tourneys, but they tell me that Poker is king.
Any more intel on UB EBJ? THX for posting about these Zweeky. I'd love to catch one but saw your note late. Any idea if these are held every 3rd Sunday or anything like that? Is there a pattern? Love to catch one and give you some competition again--looks like you could use it (congrats!) Been pretty tied up with poker of late but still love EBJ... Cheers-sabrejack