Anyone heard of this company before : ? The bit at the bottom of the page is what caught my eye ... I wonder if 'elimination' means UBT, or if it's meant in the more generic sense. I also wonder if they actually have any licensees for their software yet; you would expect them to be shouting about it they did, and I can't see any mentioned. [Actually, it looks like their website may not have been updated for about a year, which is probably not a good sign.]
I take it no one knows anything about this, then. (With the possible exception of Marcela ) It sounds like it may be an enterprise that was over before it got started. I did manage to dig up some further references, this time to a company called 'GPS Global', also operating in Costa Rica, which may or may not be referring to the same thing. They were supposedly beta-testing a tournament product at the end of 2008.
I don't know about this company, but I do know that deal for real was tried dealers.......huge deck of cards.......operated out of costa rica back in 05 /06 timeframe.....but back then Marcela was ummm....shall we say.....NAKED!! i think this feature was important........