Feedback on the Freeroll

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Dec 5, 2004.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    This should be a busy thread! There were a variety of problems, and I have several recommendations for changes. I'm sure many of you do too.
    More after the games.
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Looks like today was cursed from the start -- due to the rain here in LA, i didn't have internet connectivity until recently & woulda missed it anyway. Hopefully GPC will throw another tourney for us; i'd hate to think i missed an opportunity to school JoeP on proper tournament strategy...

    -holly d.
  3. I missed out

    Either I am technologically-challenged or the site was screwed up, because I waited two hours and never got started. It kept telling me tournament was delayed.
  4. locutus

    locutus New Member

    Ah, what a mess...!

    It is not easy to play when the communication is down and
    the time is soon midnight here in Sweden.

    I think I did advanced to the semi but I have to go to bed...
    I am not a professional player and had to go to work
    tomorrow...Good night!
  5. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member



    It also caused some problem for my OS, it barely crawls now.
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    If you advanced initially, but failed to advance in the replay...

    Well, today went about as badly as I think possible.

    A variety of issues caused problems, and I'll try to post a summary later.

    In the meantime, here's the immediate issue...
    During the preliminary round, two tables completed, though there were issues even there. Of the other ten tables, some completed, and some didn't, but many players had problems. Because of the many problems, a decision had to be made about how to proceed.

    So, we replayed the 10 tables that were still in progress when the problem arose, even if those tables had gone on to finish. Because it was impossible to say which players were affected, I think this is a reasonable compromise.
    I understand that it is frustrating to "win" your table, and have the result thrown out. As a result, here's my offer:

    If you "advanced" from your table initially, and yet you failed to advance when the table was replayed, send me a private message, and I'll personally compensate you for the trouble. I'll confirm your situation with GP. A seat in the semifinals was worth $1000/24 = $41.66. The compensation is thus $42, and I'm still working out how to best handle the payouts. Understandably, I'm pulling for you in the replay rounds, if you made it the first time!

    I apologize for today's mess. We will survive this, and hopefully this will be more amusing after the dust settles.
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Oops, revise that to $40

    Actually there are 25 semifinalists, so the correct number is $1000/25 = $40.
    And, you can't collect if you get in on the wildcard. :)
  8. mrbill

    mrbill New Member

    The problems with Global Player were frustrating. I really have no suggestions for improvements based on what I saw today. It would be too colored by the reliability today.

    What was more frustrating was the cards and the fact my Packers are getting spanked.

    First time, I got good cards and was ahead of the table when the plug was pulled and we restarted. I was ok with that. Second time through I got squat for cards, Of course I bet a lot more agressively that time and was out early.

    I will definitely do it again though, especially if it's still free. Given the problmes this time, I'm not willing to pay for it yet. Just needs to be a time when I'm available, which is going to be tough the rest of the month. Hopefully there can be another one in January.

    Good luck to the guys that got to the semis.
  9. dkurfurst

    dkurfurst New Member


    I wish I'd have known the tables were going to be replayed, I waited in chat for a long time and after not hearing anything regarding it I logged off, bummer.


    On second thought, I shouldn't be too down on it, this was a free tournament and I had a blast playing regardless of the glitches. It's a pretty rare opportunity for a novice to get to play with pros like this. Besides, I look at it as helping to make future tournaments even better so long story short, I'd do it again in a heartbeat, glitches and all

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2004
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Your going to have problems in the beginning

    Yes it is frustrating to win and then have to replay, but come on people it was free and they are just starting. This was the second time I have played in one of Globals BJ tournaments.

    The first was a $30 entry fee and we had the same results. With a entry fee involved I was up set over that one, but Global handled the situation and very fairly I might say. Now this one was a freeroll, so it wasn't worth getting upset over. If Global wants to credit my account with the $40 you were talking about Ken that is fine, but tell them it is not nessasary. I am just glad we finally have some online elmination blackjack tournaments come to the internet.

    I think they should schedule freeroll tournaments every week (for fun or small prizes) to help get the system up and running correctly before hosting any future pay tournaments though. I think everybody from your site would be willing to play and help out.

    The sooner Global gets their Bj tournaments running correctly the sooner we can start holding on line satellites for land based casino tournaments and start building up the prize money for blackjack like poker did.
  11. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Tgun outgunned 'em

    Congrats Tgun for coming in BR1!

  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Tgun wins it.

    Congrats to tgun, our first place winner!

    I'm taking a break for a little while here, but in the next couple of days I'll be posting an assessment of the day, and we can see where to recommend changes and improvements.

    It was frustrating at times, but we did finally get the finals done. My sincere thanks to all who participated! You guys were unusually patient for a bunch of tournament players. :)
  13. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Ken Thanks for the Tournament

    I was frustrated because I was 2nd by 50 in the semi's with 2 hands left, got booted from the tourny and could not re enter, guess i was frustrated because I spent over 2 hours playing or waiting and as it turned out for nothing, no matter if i won or lost in the tourny, i got disconnected from Global, there software has a lot to be desired
  14. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Hey, Rookie789, was there something wrong about the mechanics for betting at your position in round 1? I noticed the time out clock ran down for your bets and the default of 10 was entered.

  15. tahoewolf

    tahoewolf New Member

    $40 "Compensation"

    If the $40 is coming out of Global Player's pocket, fine. But I'm not sure if Ken is talking about it coming out of his pocket. If that's the case, I do not want that. Just beating you in the Prelims was worth it. :)
  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, tahoe, I was hoping you'd double that 11 and end up stiff. Neither happened... You decided you didn't need to double, and then caught a ten anyway. Fun round though.
  17. cmonseven

    cmonseven New Member


    First I want to thank Ken for having the freeroll tourney. I have never played in an online tourney and it was a different experience. I am sure once the few bugs are fixed, it will be a terrific tourney.

    I think my biggest problem was that I wasn't familiar with the software.

    It took me awhile to realize that you had to press "New Game" everytime in order to get your cards put into the discard pile. There was one point in time during the very first round where I had a nine and a seven. Since the game didn't eventually pick them up for me after my time expired, it actually played those same cards for the next round.

    The next thing I realized was that unless you press "New Game" it would give you the same bet by default after your time ran out. I also realized in order to change your bet, clicking on the chip didn't do a whole lot. You had to drag that chip to your spot in order to bet it and MAKE SURE YOU DIDN'T ACCIDENTLY PRESS THE "LAST BET" BUTTON! Then you needed to choose "Deal."

    These would have been a few good things to put on the rules or help tips in the email sent out or on their website for Dummies like me. I believe a lot of time was perhaps wasted since people didn't know it was their turn to bet, play, or what was going on at the time.

    I found it difficult to figure out who's turn it was since the yellow flashing betting spot was so faint, you had to struggle to see who was flashing. My suggestion would be to change the player's betting square to blue or green or something to signal loud and clear that it is your turn to bet or play.

    If they also could put all the tables up to the lobby and Your table tabs in the chat room so you could chat with all the rooms as well as visit any of them after your game. I tried and was told I couldn't view a table because it was full. What is the viewing limit on tables?

    GPC also said we could suggest the different rules. Perhaps for next tourney we could allow resplit upto four times.

    Another neat feature would be if the amount bet were listed somewhere. I know that your left over BR was listed, but what about what is bet. I am an old lady and it can be hard to see how many chips were bet sometimes because the colors kind of ran together. If you bet a couple of hundred, a fifty, and some tens, the fifty chip blended in with the hundred chips. Perhaps they should just change the color of the fifty chip instead.

    Just a few suggestions.....:D

    Hope I didn't throw anyone off with my name change.

    P.S. Hey Uncle Joe, Christmas is around the corner....what will I find under my Christmas Tree?

    BTW, I also agree with Tahoewolf about the compensation factor.
  18. hitstreak23

    hitstreak23 New Member

    Congrats Tgun

    Obviously there were problems and I got hurt qualifying before the crash and missing it on the replay but for a first tournament it was a lot of fun and looking forward to the next one. I agree with cmonseven and feel that familiarizing ones self with the software before in tournament conditions would have helped, but hey, it was the same for everybody. I also would refuse a refund, or whatever he wants to call it, if it would come out of Kens pocket.....not necessary from my perspective.....I actually think there was pretty good coordination when things went south to get it on some sort of acceptable track. I think most people enjoyed themselves and lets leave it at that...Thanks Ken and Global....
  19. tgun

    tgun Member

    Hi Ken,

    Thanks for the congrats and for the tournament. I got lucky. It was fun playing against the great players which you and your site brought to GPC. I hope they apprieciate your effort as much as us players do.

    Hope to see you at Bally's in Jan. if not sooner.

    Tom (tgun)
  20. renee10

    renee10 New Member


    Thanks so much to you and GP! I had a good time without all the driving-
    I think you guys did a great job despite all the technical difficulties- Even on land tourneys there usually are TD's- we merely see them more closely online-
    But I think online is better and probably fairer to everyone :) Thanks for doing such a great job!

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