Goa, India "World Gaming Festival" Sept 23-26, 2011

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Other areas)' started by KenSmith, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  2. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member



    100,000 rupees is about £1400, if I've looked it up correctly.

    I must be missing something. That sounds worthwhile purely for the holiday, regardless of any prize fund.
  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    Have you looked into this at all? I'm getting a slight too-good-to-be-true feeling, and haven't so far dared register.

    A few things I've managed to figure out -

    The Indian Numbering System
    1 lakh = a hundred thousand (written 1,00,000)
    1 crore = ten million (written 1,00,00,000)

    Don't know if the 5 crore prize pool is guaranteed, and if it is evenly distributed among the five different events.

    It says 120 entrants for the BJ.

    Even if they take 120 * 100,000 entry fees and only pay out 10 million (1 crore), they must make a considerable loss on every player, if all the free flights, accomodation, etc. are as advertised. (I'm wondering if the free flights are from any destination, or just within India?)

    You can enter additional events at the same price as the first (so seemingly the first 100,000 covers the trip and one event, the next 100,000 only covers an event), which I suppose might help their finances if lots of people enter multiple events. There doesn't seem to be a problem with entering just one, though.

    It seems like it is a sort of invitational -
    Wonder what the screening process might involve!:)

    It's also mentioned that other events are planned, including Europe and the US.

    Has anyone been braver than me yet?
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I did no research at all about this event, so do be careful. It popped up on one of my Google alerts and I posted it.
  5. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    not an open tournament

    World Gaming Festival looked really interesting, especially if it could be combined with some exploring of this fascinating country and the region.
    Unfortunately, upon calling them I found out that it is limited only to Indian citizens.
    Too bad!

    S. Yama
    LeftNut likes this.
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Well, that explains why they are willing to pay travel expenses for players. Too bad, indeed!
  7. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    That's weird. The phrase 'participants from around the world' appeared in the various press releases I saw (though I can't find it on the main web site).

    I actually emailed them yesterday with a number of questions; it will be interesting to see if I get a response.

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