Semi-final only one person advances (100-2000 bets) playing in the following order: Player A 7700 bets 2000 Player B 8000 bets 2000 Player C 5300 bets 2000 Player D 8000 bets ?? What should Player D bet? and why? p.s. in case of a tie players play 5 hands with new bankrolls. They play in the same order as above.
1 minute answer ... I don't see how taking the low against Player D by betting 1 chip less than 2000 gives up anything vs Players A and C. You gain the low vs Player D and still have options for retaking the high. I think I would bet 2000 minus one chip.
My thought exactly. Good fortune has given you the best betting position, take advantage of it. P.S. Perhaps this is a scenario from the weekend's GN in Vegas? The table size and bet limits are a giveaway. P.P.S. If I were Player A, I'd have bet 1600.
Thanks Gronbog and LeftNut It makes sense. For some reason, in the heat of the battle things get foggy. Yes, that was GN tournament, were you there LeftNut?
No, but I have been in a few before so that's why the rules were familiar. Lately they've had a wonderful knack for scheduling them on weekends that prevent my attendance.