Kewadin Casino Blackjack Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Midwest Player, Feb 27, 2023.

  1. Lakegirl32 likes this.
  2. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

  3. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I'm very apt to go, if in fact it happens.

    Billy C
  4. Lakegirl32

    Lakegirl32 Member

    My husband and I are going. Todd spoke to tournament director today. 40 signed up already but only at the 5000 kick in level. Will need to have about 60 to get to the 8000 guarantee. We know of at least 5 not signed up yet that were planning to go as well.
  5. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    Shoot, I have been out of town and just saw this. Did the tournament happen? Results? Thx.
  6. Lakegirl32

    Lakegirl32 Member

    Yes the tournament happened. They ended up with under 60 people some backed out. The payout was 2563 first, 1337 second, 975 third, 500 fourth and fifth, 250 6th. I was lucky to get 4th , was shooting for first but was so caught up chasing number 1 that when I lost last hand really knocked me down. Lesson learned..
    We were not impressed with the payout - it is so far 8 hour drive for us one way so we may not do again.
    There is another one at Island Resort & Casino in Harris MI on July 1 and 2nd. I put it on the calendar on here, higher buy in but payout will be pretty good. Last fall the payout when they added 3K from House was 3400 first, this time they are adding $7000 house. Spread the word!
    gronbog likes this.
  7. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Congrats for your continued success. I knew you were on final table. Thought you took 3rd but wasn't sure so I didn't post it.

    Billy C
    Lakegirl32 likes this.

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