New Club opens!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Hope it's all true including the chance to win a WPT live event seat, but then we've seen previous promises coming from that direction and know how those turned out.

    Matters none to me, as it's still The Club so I am still barred from playing.
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Bet we dont see Van patten or Sexton calling people names on message boards LOL
  4. pinklady

    pinklady New Member

    I hope to see wpt seats or wsop seats coming soon......


    Good Luck yall,
  5. toonces

    toonces Member

    I think there's a lot of good that can come out of this, as seen in my LVA post. The interesting question is to see what kind of investment the WPT puts into the EBJ Blackjack format. If it's truly only a "service provider" relationship, WPT may not have much incentive to invest. Hopefully, it's more of a revenue-sharing partnership where the WPT would really benefit from developing the EBJ format into one that attracts the poker players and WPT fans. It certainly opens up the location of places that could hold EBJ events beyond the "independent" casinos that currently are the only targets.

    Also, the WPT is a publicly owned company, so perhaps that will improve on the transparency issues that have come up lately.

    BTW, Pinklady, the WSOP and WPT have a well-known rivalry. So, this means that while you will likely see some WPT seats being offered, you will almost assuredly not see WSOP seats offered.
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I hope that this DOES mean good things for EBJ tournaments. I'd heard rumors a few weeks ago about this WPT-UBT partnership and had hoped something would come of it. Right now, all we're seeing is spotty news about the Club, nothing about live events. The general idea is that UBT events can be run concurrently with WPT tournaments, and TV production would be a lot cheaper since the "stage" would already be there, simply needing certain props and branded items changed. It's a win-win situation for both entities.

    Hope it works, but I'm taking the news at arm's length for now for 2 reasons. First, all the news so far concerns the Club and that obviously does not do a thing for us, so it's a bit tough to get excited about it. Second, UBT has a truckload of broken promises in their recent past, truly hope this isn't another one.
  7. pinklady

    pinklady New Member


    Ok... I hope to see some seats at WPT!!!! I want a seat to anywhere one time in my life. I love to see my dream come true. SMILE....

    Anyone know more about the bet21 website.. Is it good site to play on for money or what would you say about it?

    Thanks... Good Luck yall,
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Hi, pinklady. Bet21 is a polarized subject around here - it seems folks either like it or despise it.

    The ones who like it do so because they run a number of tournaments with "overlays" in them - meaning that they pay out more than they take in. A good thing in most cases. And the quality of play, at least in the higher $$$ games, is much, much better than you'll see anywhere on the Club.

    The ones who don't like it think they deal unfairly,and there's two definitions of that.
    1. Business dealing. Some were promised sign-up bonuses when they joined up and never saw a dime of it. Some even signed up through UBT and LVA, yet still got screwed.
    2. Card dealing. Some, myself included, believe that the cards are not dealt in a truly random manner. And some of us have gone as far as to record cards from many games to track randomness as best as possible, and have been put off by some incredibly unlikely and repeated results.

    Play there if you like, I'm not trying to discourage you. Just keep your eyes open! :D
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I'm STILL waiting on a $500 check for over 3 weeks - that cost me $8 to request. is as crooked as the hind leg of a junkyard dog!
  10. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    But you did! You got a seat for a tournament on the cruise ;)

    See you there.
  11. pinklady

    pinklady New Member

    Thats true....

    I can't wait... Oh man I can't wait to go.... I have been doing some shopping the past week....

    Speaking of wpt seats or wsop seats... I have always wanted to go anywhere to play live poker for big money one day in my life... When i was putting money into the sites before clububt came... players were going all in first hand.. Ridiculous..... I have tried for the past 2 and half years now... Just dont know what else to do but I do hope one day at clububt or clubwpt would have seats like that so I can have a chance to try to get on!!!!!

    That would be very exciting!!!
  12. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    I've been fortunate recently at bet21 and have won over $2,400 net since 01/01/08, I requested two $1,000 withdrawals and have received both checks, the 2nd received today, both by mail.

    I suggest you contact bet21 about your missing check, I'm certainly not a favorite child.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2008
  13. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    can't speak about Bet21 - but I have made withdrawals from Ultimate Bet and never a problem - takes about 10 days to receive the check from date of request - never has taken longer than 11 days -

    I think the $8 charge is because they go through a money transfer service - the checks don't come from Ultimate Bet -
  14. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

  15. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2008

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