I won the $65,000 blackjack tournament at NewYorkNewYork (Las Vegas) 2 weeks ago, and from that experience I'm going to add another chapter to the ongoing discussion of Mulligans. First, though, I wasn't able to post it on the site because my host called me with 3 days notice while I was out of town on my way to another tournament. He will give me advanced notice next time and I will be able to post it. Mulligans are becoming more prevalent at tournaments. Hard Rock Las Vegas, Tropicana, NYNY, Venetian/Palazzo and a couple of others which I can't remember offer unlimited Mulligans which can be purchased at the table during tournament play! NYNY is the only one which allows only 1 Mulligan to be used per hand dealt. At the Hard Rock I watched a player make numerous $500 Mulligan purchases on 1 hand until he got the card he wanted. A very unfair advantage designed solely to allow the casino to make more money. Anyway, at NYNY there were 3 rounds, with 2 advancing per table, to get to the final table. At the semi-final table I succumbed and purchased my first Mulligan ever. My analysis was simple... sixth place alone paid $2,000 and a Mulligan cost $150. I changed 1 card, it worked and I went to the final table. Today I received information on 3 more tournaments and I will post them this weekend.