November UB/Bet 21 statistics

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by felix215, Dec 9, 2007.

  1. felix215

    felix215 New Member

    Well people I tried to keep complete stats for November 2007 for UltimateBet/Bet 21 higher limit multi-table blackjack tournaments. My stats were limited to all MTT tournaments with buy ins of $30 or more. That would include the near nightly 10:00 pm $30+3, the twice weekly “fever” $40 + 4, the nightly 12:15 am $100 + 8 and the Sunday $5,000 guaranteed. Qualifiers and freebies are just part of the stats (i.e. they are ignored.) The fever 777 bonuses etc. are also ignored as bjmace is the only one that I know that has won that.

    I am not keeping stats for December and have no plans to do it again. For anyone interested it takes about 10 – 15 minutes per day and involves a lot of sorting a great potential for errors. I know I made some. I have no idea who finished 4th in the $30 +3 on Nov 13th and I gave two 2nd places in one tourney. My entries were often done late at night, so if I made a mistake --- oops.

    If I published your public stats and you wanted it private, complain to UB/Bet21 (not me) and I’m sure their customer service will jump right on it.

    Stat #1

    Top twenty money winners:

    Ironically, I did well in 2 of the Sunday $5000 guaranteed tourneys (a first and a second) so I was the leading money winner for November. (Hey they ARE my stats and I can slant them anyway I want.) Also, the number of tourneys are noted (I played in 42.) Alala was the real November star.

    1 felix221 42 3,143.50
    2 Alala 20 2,660.00
    3 JohnnyGstaks 16 2,582.00
    4 Rayndog 29 2,511.50
    5 Gtrfjk 20 2,344.50
    6 YUBELKA 9 2,018.00
    7 rjk1027 23 1,987.00
    8 Swttazpie 26 1,911.00
    9 BJ_jedi 15 1,861.50
    10 Travelnet 56 1,741.50
    11 FloridaGirl39 17 1,073.00
    12 Tomlw 20 1,068.50
    13 denise0707 46 1,017.00
    14 johnbondjovi 17 957.00
    15 MichaelCofUBT 17 845.50
    16 21maddog 4 832.00
    17 Michael Buble 21 764.00
    18 cheads1 19 672.00
    19 twiswell 2 661.50
    20 jerry321 22 634.00

    I won’t embarasss anyone who underperformed. You know who you are. (Remember that if anyone figures out my December stats.)

    Stat # 2

    In the money (4th place or better) leaders by % with total number of tourneys included (not all were winners for month). Again, this only includes finishes of 4th or better as not all tourneys paid 5th and 6th place. (Minimum 10 tourneys.)

    40.00% 1 Alala 20
    37.50% 2 JohnnyGstaks 16
    35.00% 3 Gtrfjk 20
    34.78% 4 rjk1027 23
    34.48% 5 Rayndog 29
    30.00% 6 Oscarboscar 20
    29.41% 7 Johnbondjovi 17
    29.41% 7 MichaelCofUBT 17
    27.27% 9 Cncmas 11
    26.92% 10 Swttazpie 26
    26.19% 11 felix221 42
    25.00% 12 wallybally 16
    23.81% 13 Michael Buble 21
    23.21% 14 Travelnet 56
    22.86% 15 RetGI 35
    21.74% 16 Zweeky 46
    21.05% 17 squirtle_55 19
    20.83% 18 CTProf 24
    20.00% 19 BJ_jedi 15
    20.00% 19 Sprigbac 10
    20.00% 19 Tomlw 20

    Stat #3

    Range of player results

    Greater then 50 tournaments played

    1 (travelnet) must really love the game, winnings $1,741.50 in 56 tourneys

    40 – 49 tourneys played

    3 people with a combined winnings $4,615.00

    30 – 39

    5 combined loss ($1,871.30)

    20 – 29

    16 +$11,609.00

    10 – 19

    25 +4,756.70

    3 – 10

    80 (-4,213.80)

    1 – 2

    154 (-5,216.10)

    Most of the losses are borne by those players who played less then 10 tourneys. Also, over half the players try it once or twice and don’t come back. I attribute a lot of this to the NONmarketing plan by UB/Bet21.

    Stat #4

    Best bird name


    I may add more stats to this post later. If anyone has a stat they want to know, e-mail me at and I will do my best (no guarantees.)

    felix221 fka felix215
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2007
  2. tomlw

    tomlw Member


    Where did you go to get all the results. Hope you didn't have to watch every game.
    Along the same line of thought. It appears that B21 ranks us somehow.
    When you sign up for a scheduled tournament, they slot you in with those registered. For example, depending on the number of players, I usually start around number seven on the list. As more players sign up, I'm moved down. Do you know how this works?
  3. felix215

    felix215 New Member

    Source of Statistics

    UB/Bet21 leaves complete detailed results of each tourney public for a few days (see "Completed" tab) at UB/Bet21 under "Scheduled Tournaments." From there I just inputted that info into an ongoing Excel spreadsheet I created with lots of copying, sorting and spreadsheet cyphering.

    To answer your other question. I have no idea how UB/Bet21 slots players in the tourneys. All I know is that 90% of the time I seem to be 1st to act on that elimination hand :sad:
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Since I haven't been playing at either Bet21/UB or ClubUBT, I don't know whether you're joking or not. Is the seating snafu that we all reported so many months ago still happening?
  5. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    It appears to be random to me but I think when you are 1st or 2nd to act on an elimination hand it's human nature to say " Me Again".

    Recently due to players eliminated I was 1st to act hand 8, 16 and 25 the same game but that was due to fate (chance) not conspiracy.
  6. felix215

    felix215 New Member

    Just Joking

    :joker: about seat assignment :joker:
  7. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    I think it would be cool if the button position for hand 1 was determined by a highest card distributed, like it is done in poker.

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