Rick's Pick's

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Here are some sports picks for this weekend for you gambling junkies...LOL

    For pre-season football Sat. 8/14 I like:

    Carolina + 3 1/2 @ Washington

    @ Detroit - 3 vs. Pittsburgh

    In baseball for Sat. I like two dogs (one really big):

    @ Seattle + 135 vs. New York Yankees

    Chi. W.S. + 220 @ Boston
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Sat. results: 2-2

    Football 2-0, Baseball 0-2.
    Both baseball dogs lost late, but still losses.

    @ Buffalo -2 1/2 vs. Denver

    Baseball I like:

    @ Philly -130 vs. San Fran.

    Monday action:

    Football I like:

    @ Green Bay -3 vs. Seattle
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2004
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    More pick's


    Baseball: Tor. +170 over Bos. (big dog)
    NYY +115 over Minn. (you don't find Yank's as dog offen.) A-Rod out and Santana is on fire for Minn.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2004
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Try again

    Football 3-1 okay, but baseball pick's have suck, going 0-5. Let's try it again.

    Thursday baseball i'm going to put in some total plays along with two dogs and two favorites.

    Houston +112 @ Phil
    NY Mets +115 @ Colo. (game #1)
    NY Mets -115 @ Colo. (List A. Leiter for NYM pitching)
    Anh. -140 @ T.Bay
    Milw. over 7 1/2 runs
    Colo. over 12 runs (game #1)

    Football I like @ Caro. -3 1/2 vs. NY Giants (E. Manning gets his 1st start against good 1st team "D").
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2004
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Friday pick's

    Finally hit on baseball yesterday, and big at that 6-0 and 1-0 on the football Thursday night.

    Record: pre-season football - 4-1, baseball - 6-5 (all 5 losers were dog plays).

    Friday plays are:

    Football I like: Balt. +3 @ Phil. (watch out T.O., they remember what you did)

    Basebase I like: Cini. +165 @ Ariz. (big dog)
    Tex. -150 @ K.C. (list Drese pitching for Tex.)

    Good luck
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2004
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Bottom line!

    I was asked what the bottom line would be (winnings or losses) for my picks, (good question.)

    Okay lets use $50 as a base unit per play. If you had been playing these picks this week you would be up $291 for the week.

    I really was posting these plays for fun and haven't graded any play higher then one unit. I'll start posting *(stars) for the best picks.

    Sat. 8/21:

    Football: Wash. @ Mia. to go over 33........1*
    Hous. + 3 1/2 @ Pitt..................1*
    Oak. -2 1/2 vs. Dal....................5* (Parcell doesn't care about winning in pre-season, he wants to see what he has to work with.)

    Baseball: Anh. @ NYY to go over 11..........1*
    Tex. @ K.C. to go over 10..........2*
    Clev. -110 @ Minn....................3* (list Muholland for Minn.)

    Good luck
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What a day

    Everything I picked lost, I'm glad I said they were just for fun. This day would have drove me to drink...LOL.

    My big pick (Oak. Raiders) lost with 5 seconds left on the clock.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Trying again

    Yesterday suck, and that is as nice as I can put it. I went from +218.50 to
    -496.50, I'll try to get it back today.

    Baseball: I like NYY today, but I won't put up $160 line straight up.
    Atl. +108 @ LA........1*
    Cini. -110 @ Ariz.....1*
    Chi. W/S vs. Bos.....1*
    Oak. and T. Bay over 9 1/2.....3*
    Sea. and Det. over 9..............3*
    Tor. and Balt. over 10............5*
    Texas -130 @KC...................10* (if Texas wins 10 in a row and about 40 people have to shave their heads from Ranger staff to fans, they have 8 in a row now and the team really wants this...LOL)

    and just for for here are 4/ 6 team parlays:

    NYY -160 (list Brown)...\
    Texas - 130.................\
    Tor/Balt over 10.............\
    Oak/t. Bay over 9 1/2.......------ $10 / $249 payout
    St. Louis -270................/
    Cini. -110..................../

    T.Bay over 9 1/2.....---------- $10 / $461
    Det. over 9.........../
    Chi. W/S over 9..../

    Chi. Cubs........\
    Balt. over 10.........------$10 / $541
    T.Bay over 9 1/2.../
    Det. over 9........./

    Bos. over 9...\
    Atl....................-----$10 / $372
    Det. over 9....../
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2004
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    How did i get on to this Sports Pick Site

    Hey Kenny how did you pick Rick as your sites sports pick tout.Is his percentage higher in sports or in BJ Tournaments..........LOL
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Both pretty bad

    Hell Joe it has been so long since I won in either...LOL

    I'm not picking for the site, just playing around. Bad thing is I make more picks like yesterday and i'll have to pay Ken to post here...LOL
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2004
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, maybe I should start booking his action! At this rate, the board would pay for itself!
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    you guys are tough

    It's nice to have friends...LOL. Sad part is after yesterday I deserve all that I get...LOL

    Ken you book my action next year you could go on a four week trip to Mexico...LOL
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Mondays pick's

    The lines are so high in baseball today I desided to play two parlays and try to cover them with a two team 7pt. teaser in football. Max. that can be lost is $210 vs. winning $2,529.00

    Football:2 team teaser/7pts.

    KC +3 and over 35

    $110 to win $100

    and two mixed parlays:

    #1 KC -3, over 42, LA -200, NYY, -157, Chi. W/S - 120, & Bos. -220

    $50 to win $1,164

    #2 KC -3, over 42, Bos-220, NYY-157, Chi. W/S -120, & Chi. Cubs - 160

    $50 to win $1,265
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2004
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I have had a nice run going, for the house...lol. I'll try again with the following plays for today.

    Minn. @ Texas over 11 run's..........3*

    Philly @ Hous. over 10 run's...........3*

    PARLAY:6 teamer for $50 to win $1,245

    LA -150 @ Mont
    Atl. -170 vs. Colo
    St. Louis -190 @ Cini.
    Philly @ Hous. over 10
    Minn @ Texas over 11
    Bos. @ Tor. over 10 1/2
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Perfect again

    That is perfect 0-3 that is...lol

    Tonights picks are:

    Texas...............10* list Drese pitching

    Texas under 10.....5*

    all other games gone already.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2004
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    And still perfect

    Well I won Texas under 10 for the first inning anyway, they only scored 6 runs in the first...LOL.

    Texas did scare me in the bottom of the 9th with bases loaded I though they might come back and cost me my streak...LOL.

    Good thing I posted late I might have listed a winner.
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Lets try somrthing new

    My streak is about to come to and end tonight!


    LA @ Mont..................LA 10*

    Fla. vs. SF..................Fla 10*

    Atl. @ Colo................over 10*

    Atl. @ Colo..................Atl 10*

    And parlay them (all 4)

    Football: Phil. -3 vs. Pitt.......5*
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    The streak is over I finally had a winning day...lol.

    Today I like:


    SD -135........................3*

    Chi. Cubs under 9............3*

    Florida over 8 1/2............5*

    Texas over 11 1/2..........10*

    Seattle over 8 1/2..........10*

    Parlay: StL, and the above 5 teams.


    Minn. -7........................3*

    Jack. -3........................3*

    T. Bay -3 1/2.................5*

    St. Louis -3...................5*

    Den. -5 1/2...................10*
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2004
  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Won again

    Not much of a win, but still a winning day. T. Bay will be played on Sat. so that game will carry over.

    Sat. Baseball they're are a lot of big lines.

    Chi. Cubs -135 vs Hous.......3*

    Chi. Cubs over 7................5*

    Sea. over 9.......................5* (gm.1)


    Atl. -3.............................3*

    KC -5 1/2........................5*

    T. Bay -3.......................10*

    Collage Football:

    Virgina Tech + 17 1/2 vs USC......3*
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2004
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Back in the black

    Damm three winning day's, what happen...lol Finally would be back in the black. (With win today)


    T. Bay +210 @ Oak (not really a pick) I just like this new kid Kismar for T. Bay

    Tor. +145 vs NYY...............3* (BIG DOG)

    St. Louis -120 @ Pitt...........3*

    Det. + 170 @ Bos................3* (BIG DOG)

    Chi. Cubs over 8 1/2...........10*

    Texas over 11.....................10*
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2004

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