Well last January I had three major blackjack tournaments scheduled and several satellite mini-tournaments for the LV Hilton over a four day period here in Texas. I had okayed them with all the powers that be in Ft. Worth. Then two weeks before the events police Chief Ralph Mendoza decided they were illegal and had the hotel cancel on me and the events. Now this if funny first of all because the Police CANNOT and ARE NOT suppose to give out legal advise. Mendoza over stepped his bondries and secondly because the Texas State Bar Assocation and Judges just held their tournament and give out CASH prizes. When asked how theirs were legal and mine weren't, I was told mine were and Mendoza was wrong! He illegally stopped my events. My attorney told me today to expect a settlement offer soon from the city, the hotel, and Cheif Mendoza. Also any and all that lost airfare due to the events being canceled get you ticket stubs and or credit card recepts as you will be getting refunds as well. But dealing with the city and the others, soon may still be years away.