Since there was a posting about UB, I think I should mention that I have run across a serious software flaw in the EBJ games. The flaw, seemingly, only occurs when you have three or more tournament (SnG, actually, since that is what I am playing there) lobbies or tables open at once. Then, when a table tries to open, the software goes wacky, flashing pieces of tables all over your display, putting up an error message, blocking your ability to get to one or more of the tables, not letting you unregister from tables not yet started, etc. So far this has happened when I have been logged in and playing for several hours, and is intermittent, sometimes I can go an entire evening without a problem, sometimes it has hit more than once in the same evening. Seems about 50/50. The basic solution seems to be closing down UB and then restarting it, but even that doesn't always work. One time I had to uninstall the software and reinstall it, to get it to work again. This is definitely in their software, and has lasted through two complete reinstalls. I am communicating with their tech people on this, hopefully they can figure it out and get it fixed soon. If you play on UB, please be advised that you should never have more than two tables/lobbies open at the same time, to protect yourself from the software glitch, hopefully.
Software flaw Hi RKuczek, I had not been on UB for a couple of months but started playing the EBJ games on a regular basis two weeks ago. The software was obviously updated from when I had last played and some of the presentation and layout had changed. I have experienced the same problems that you describe, especially the violent shaking of the screen during play. Incidentally I had never experienced any problems playing on UB in the past. I thought that the problems might have been at my end so have not been in contact with the technical department. My solution has been the same as yours that I log out of UB and rejoin after every SnG game. Andy
UB Problem ANDY Do, please, let UB know about this. I have been communicating frequently with them, and while I sometimes get a meaningful response, I more likely get a "just reinstall the software and everythign will be fine" response; unfortunately, reinstalling the software twice did not help, so being told three or four more times to 'just reinstall' is not a very helpful response. It seems as if every time I get through to someone there who gives a more serious response, the next contact is with a person who just blows it off with the standard 'reinstall' bit. Maybe if they hear about these issues from others, they will actually fix the problem.
Software still defective - what you can do The UB software flaw in their elimination blackjack tournaments and SnGs is still going strong. I know this has affected others besides myself, and some have complained about it to UB. If you play on UB and are experiencing this problem, please contact UB support about it, and send them screenshots of your display when it happens. Maybe if they get hassled enough, they will fix it.
UB reply I did send an Email to the technical department regarding the flaw's on UB software. As expected, I knew that they would want to know the "in's and out's of a cat's arse" regarding the games that I had played (see reply). I have not had any problems since logging out and then rejoining the next SnG game. I am going to play on the $2 games for a while without logging out, write down the the table number and if I have any problems will post them a screen shot that RKuczec advises. In the old days on Global Player Casino. Pumi would have credited the games that you were entered in and did not start. If there was a problem, he would work out whether it was at there end or yours and sort it out accordingly. UB must know that if you have entered a BJ tournament for $10 and do not start, then there must me be something wrong. Andy > Hello Andrew, > > Thank you for contacting us. > > Our team will gladly help you determine the reason of your issue but to properly evaluate your case we need to retrieve some information from the computer in which you experienced this inconvenience. This will not only allow us to determine the cause of the problem but also provide you the best options as a solution. > > Please try to give us the best answer you can to the following: > > 1. Please describe in your own words the problem exactly as it happened while playing on our site. Include as many details as possible. Have you previously experienced any sort of problems while connected to Ultimate Bet? > > 2. Please indicate what kind of connection you use while playing at Ultimate Bet (Cable, DSL, Dial-up, Satellite). > > 3. Is there a router or are you using a wireless system? > > 4. Is your equipment connected to a public network as i.e. School network, at work, café internet, or community wireless signal? > > 5. What version of Internet Explorer are you running? To find it, open Internet Explorer, click on Help, then select About Internet Explorer. > > 6. Which firewall, antivirus, antispyware, or popup blocker programs do you have installed on your system? Normally those are displayed in the lower right corner of your windows desktop. Write down a list of these programs. > > IMPORTANT: Please click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop or in the Start Menu and go to C:\Program Files\UltimateBet. You will be able to locate a file called "sys info" in this folder. Please open the sys info file, copy the contents and then paste the information on the email. > > Please send us this information so we can help you to rectify your issue. We look forward to resolving this matter and will be awaiting your reply. > > Kind regards,
Same Email Andy That's the same email I got when I sent in my first complaint. After responding, with the info and a screen shot, they then advised me to reinstall the software. When that didn't work, they then requested a 'net meeting'. so one of their techs could do a remote control inspection of my computer to 'find the problem'. That kind of contains the assumption that the problem is on my computer. I actually tried to set up a time to do this, but the time they suggested I could not do, because of a work conflict, but they ignored my response that we needed another time, and attempted to contact me at the time I was not available. Since then I have gotten several messages from them saying 'just reinstall the software and everything will be fine' or 'just contact live support and we can do a 'net meeting' at any time'. I am a little unsure as to what they want to do with a net meeting, as the problem is clearly their software, and not my computer. They can certainly test their software on their own systems and dulicate the porblem if they want. I do have a few issues about letting them hook into my machine, simply because I use it for work as well as personal use, and have client data/work on it. For that reason I want a specified time (so I can remove sensitive files before I let them hook in), and also want to know what they intend to 'test' using my machine, so I will know if I need to be concerned about data being compromised or destroyed during the process. So far nothing forthcoming, nor, apparrently, are they actually doing anything to address the issue. They don't seem to be acknowledging that the problem is in their software. We need to just keep deluging them with screenshots and complaints.
Update on UB Software Flaw I played again last night on UB SnG BJ but this time did not log out in order to enter another game. On the second tournament game the problem occurred again, which is that the screen starts to shake violently and some graphics at the bottom of the screen change appearance or disappear completely. This time I contacted the UB technical department with the UB and table numbers along with the other information about my computer that they requested. They sent me a very detailed reply that I have copied below for information to other players who may be experiencing the same problems when playing on UB. I am no longer sure if the problem is at their end or my end, but being a betting man it’s odds on that RKuczek will reply What do players think? Andy Hello Andrew, Thank you for your reply. Considering the problem you described and with the computer specifications you are currently using we would like you to pay attention to some important aspects about the same. Online games have a constant connection with the source they come from (server). So to maintain the game working properly you need a minimum connection as well as a computer with enough resources to run the game appropriately. One device maintains the communication (the internet) and the other keeps the game running (your PC). When your computer resources are reaching critical limits the game performance is delayed, causing the information to reach or be sent delayed too. If our server does not receive the information on time (considering at this point that you have still good internet connection) then game loses its normal synchronization and disconnects. The Windows report we requested allows us to determine how many resources your computer has available to work with. The Physical Memory space also known as RAM is used by your computer to run all the process described above. If it reaches the limit your computer itself starts performing improperly, slowing, freezing or even completely crash. In your case this is what the file shows: TOTALRAM=512 MB AVAILABLE=175.64 MB Considering your system uses 67% of its resources to start up with the current configuration, your system is leaving just a 33% of its free resources to run additional applications and load game data, when your system reaches its top resources capacity, it began to freeze, disconnect, etc. Please keep in mind under Microsoft's standards, a system should have at least 50% free resources (in your case it would be at least 256 MB instead of only 175.64 MB). We strongly recommend you to close all other applications while you are playing at Ultimate Bet. Also, it would be better if you can improve your system RAM capacity. This will help you to avoid any kind of issues in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact us again at any time if you need further assistance in the future. Kind regards,
That's pretty funny. You've got that much RAM available, yet it isn't enough to run their game - which makes it your fault? This isn't a problem with your machine, it's with the game's software causing RAM requirements that are far too onerous for some folk's operating systems. It needs to be reworked. If it was only you who was having the problems, there might be cause for a bit more sympathy for UB's situation. Typical UB response, though - "not our fault." Instead of looking for a solution when a problem arises, let's look for a way to point the finger at someone else! (Double entendre quite intentional :laugh
System Requirements I have 2 gigs of RAM, with well over 1 gig available after all my anti-virus, etc. programs are loaded, and UB active as well. I can track my available memory while my computer is running, and it has never dropped below 1 gig while running UB, even with three tables/lobbies open. Even if surfing with Internet Explorer while playing. A UB table/lobby just doesn't use up that much memory. Maybe 20 megs per table. If you are playing multiple tables simultaneously, and have something running in the background, that might get tight, but from the memory load I have seen from UB, this is not likely. If you also have a slow connection, that might contribute to the problem? But, I was running UB fine, and playing multiple tables, when my system had only 512 megs, total, just as yours has; I have also accessed UB with a dial up connection on rare occassions (when my table connection was down), and have not experienced any problems in the past. I think UB's first response is to find a reason that it is the player's fault. As several players have reported the same problem, there is obviously a software flaw in UB's programming. They don't seem to want to bother fixing it; when they get enough complaints from enough players, they'll eventually work on it.
Contact HollywoodDave via Ultimate Buddy concerning this problem. He's been very open to doing all that he can to correct software problems that I have brought to his attention. Now is a good time to bring this up because he has been collecting error reports such as this for an upcoming software revision. The last I heard there is going to be a new tournament schedule after the first of the year also.